Sneak-Peek with NBT Bank

Our last donor spotlight shines on NBT Bank! They are excited to help us support the food pantries in our community. We are grateful for all of their encouragement and their participation with us in CANstruction!

We interviewed David Krupski about giving back to the community. Here’s what he had to say!

#AOW #EnvisionArchitects #AOWENV #capitalregioncanstruction #year11 #capregcanstructionHOF #architects #engineers #construction #design #cans #canstruction #canstruction2021 #thefoodpantries #food #competition #thisiscanstruction #HOFsneakpeek #teaser #2021video #teamwork #creative #goteam #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #teamspirit #nbtbank #nbt
